
Close deals faster, communicate better and seamlessly convert real estate transactions into lasting relationships.

Rechat is an experience management platform that gives Real Estate Brokers and Agents one place to go to accomplish all of their daily business activities.

For the first time you can manage your contacts and business, send out your newsletters and do your marketing all from one app!

People Center

  • Real-time sync with Google and Outlook: Contacts, Calendar & Email

  • Automation and smart reminders to stay on top of your contacts

  • Deep integration with your MLS

Marketing Center

with MLS integration for Email, Social Media, Texting and Print

  • Market directly to agents via the MLS

  • Send MLS listings and market data to clients

  • Receive notifications and stats on opens, clicks, and more

Transaction Center

  • Custom Checklists and Editable Forms

  • Back Office Approvals

  • DocuSign Integration

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