Video Clip Stickers

Brand Sticker Upload Specifications

Supported Formats

  • Image Formats: PNG

  • Transparency: PNG images can have transparency.

  • Dimensions: Stickers should be square with dimensions of at least 256x256 pixels and at most 600x600 pixels.

File Size

  • Maximum File Size: 80KB per sticker image.

  • You can use tools such as ImageOptim to reduce the size of your files.


  • Static Stickers: Only static images are supported. Animated stickers (GIFs or other formats) are not supported at this time.

Naming Convention

  • File Names: Use descriptive file names for stickers, but avoid special characters or spaces. Use underscores (_) or hyphens (-) instead.

  • Label: All stickers must have the mobile_static_stickers label (or tag) when uploading to the brand's assets.


  • Resolution: Stickers should be of high quality and not appear blurry or pixelated.


  • Ownership: Clients must have the necessary rights or ownership of the stickers they upload.


  • Appropriate Content: Stickers should adhere to guidelines on appropriate content. Offensive, violent, or inappropriate content will not be accepted.

  • Copyrighted Material: Stickers should not contain copyrighted material unless the client has the rights to use them.

Last updated